Program Review 2024-25
Date Activity
TBD Final Program Review Reports posted to Intranet
TBD IRO completes preparation of data for this year's program review and posts on intranet
TBD Program Review Reports due to Deans or VPs for approval. (Deans/VPs may require submissions at their own, earlier due date.
TBD Program Review Reports due to the Institutional Effectiveness department
TBD Steering Committee completes reviews of submissions
TBD Executive Summary and Program Review reports provided to Executive Vice President and supervisory chain as appropriate
TBD Deans, Associate Deans, and Program Directors of Units undergoing fifth-year review complete authoring team appointments.
TBD Program Review Reports posted to the intranet.


Program Review Teams and Documents

Templates for your review and the composite heatmap can be found on the Templates and Forms page of this website. 

Please submit your reviewer documents by emailing

(If you are unable to send the email to the above address, please email to BOTH AND

Please put the program you are reviewing and the document you are submitting in the subject line. For example:

Animation and Game Art - Composite Heatmap

Biotechnology - Reviewer 2

Business Management - Summary 


Revise and Resubmit

Program Program Review Report Composite Heatmap Senior Reviewer Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Observer Composite Checklist Summary to be Returned Current Status for Program Review
Business Services (U)     Wendy Gunderson Cyndie Amerson Jason Alder Karen Williams      
Dental Hygiene (W)     Jeffrey Johnson Cathleen Akers Andrea Martinez -      
Engineering FOSs - Civil, Electrical, Mechanical (A)     Daphne Babcock Chris Foree Nick Morgan -      


Programs Due for Program Review

Program/Unit Program Review Report Composite Heatmap Senior Reviewer Reviewer 1 Reviewer 2 Observer Composite Checklist Summary to be Returned Current Status for Program Review
Admissions/Records (U)                  
Business Office Systems Support (W)                  
Communication Design (W)                  
Computer Systems (W)                  
Continuing Education & Workforce Development (U)                  
Criminal Justice FOS (A)                  
Culinary Arts & Pastry Arts (W)                  
Grant Management (U)                  
Information Systems Cybersecurity - AAS & BAS (W)                  
Interior Design (W)                  
Math, Science, & Writing Labs (U)                  
Nursing BSN (W)                  
Nursing RN (W)                  
Respiratory Care (W)                  
Verinary Assistant (CE) (W)                  
Web & Mobile Development (W)