About - Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment

Institutional effectiveness is the term used to describe how well an institution is accomplishing its mission.  The criteria that refer to institutional effectiveness are focused largely on SACSCOC Standard 8.2 that states:

The institution identifies expected outcomes, assesses the extent to which it achieves these outcomes, and provides evidence of seeking improvement based on analysis of the results in the areas below:
  • student learning outcomes for each of its educational programs
  • student learning outcomes for collegiate-level general education competencies of its undergraduate degree programs
  • academic and student services that support student success

The outcomes-based approach is to be used for evaluating both educational programs as well as administrative and educational support services. In both cases, outcomes are to be established for each program or each support service and then assessments are used to show whether those outcomes are being achieved at the desired levels. Changes in these programs are assessed to determine if improvements have resulted.

What is Assessment?

Assessment can be defined as the systematic and ongoing method of gathering, analyzing and using information from various sources in order to improve student learning and student support services. Assessment relates to measuring processes in order to gather data that provides information about how the institution is meeting stakeholders’ needs and expectations.

A benefit of measuring performance is that it provides the basis by which the institution  can gain a sense of what is going wrong and what is going right within the organization. This process ultimately establishes direction for improving quality and constituent satisfaction as well as input for strategic planning.

(Adapted from The “Why,” “What,” and “How” of Performance Measurement, Terrell, J. D. 1999)

Continuous Improvement Plans

Faculty in each workforce program and academic field of study participate in a two-year cycle to implement an action plan, assess course-level program learning outcomes (PLO's), and create continuous improvement plans (CIP's) based on analysis of these data. The CIP targets a program learning outcome and includes an instructional plan to improve the targeted outcome with a description of how the learning outcome will be assessed in all course sections. Throughout the academic year, discipline faculty implement the improvement strategies, assess students and measure the extent to which students demonstrate competency in the targeted learning outcome.

A designated faculty member in each discipline collects and analyzes a sample of program-level assessment data. The assessment data provides evidence of the implementation strategies’ effectiveness and the extent to which students meet the expected PLO. Faculty discuss the data at their fall discipline meeting and use the analysis for developing the next CIP.

Service Units also develop Continuous Improvement Plans, focusing on three types of outcomes: client satisfaction, program or service effectiveness and/or efficiency.  These outcomes also include secondary elements such as client awareness of the service, client use of the service, whether the clients' needs are met or addressed, if  staff are perceived as knowledgeable and courteous, and if facilities and hours of service are perceived as supporting service delivery.  

Throughout the academic year, service unit staff implement the improvement strategies, assess their outcomes and monitor the extent to which the targeted performance or product outcome is achieved.  A designated staff member in each service unit collects and analyzes a sample of unit-level assessment data. The assessment data provide evidence of the implementation strategies’ effectiveness and the extent to which the unit meets the expected outcome. Staff discuss the data at their fall staff meetings and use the analysis for developing the next CIP.

Program Review

The program review process is a five-year  program-level, summative evaluation, planning and improvement cycle to hone mission delivery for improved outcomes with an emphasis on serving students better.  Collin College's program review process provides a framework for review, evaluation, and formulation of goals for each institutional program and functional service unit cluster. As a process, it engages faculty, staff and administration as stakeholders in institutional evaluation, planning and resource allocation. 

Program Evaluation is achieved by rolling up four years of Continuous Improvement Planning including identification of program or service unit outcomes, assessment to determine the extent to which these outcomes are achieved,  use of the assessment results to improve outcomes, and documentation that the outcomes were improved.  In addition, data for program performance indicators, generated by the Office of Institutional Research  are considered to determine overall program success in achieving standards for course retention, course success and program completers. 

Educational Planning is undertaken as programs review and update their outcome goals, their curriculum, and delivery mechanisms in light of local current and future market demand, area wages, and employer input through Advisory Council and professional associations' consultation.  These plans are integrated into the Academic Master Plan.  Service Unit planning focuses on reviewing and planning improvements in customer satisfaction, effectiveness and efficiency.  These plans are integrated into the Infrastructure and Student Development Master Plans.

Finally, Resource Allocations are aligned with program review findings regarding individual program or unit budgets, facilities, and staffing,   Resource needs are addressed and program goals are adjusted accordingly.  This information is integrated into the institutional budgeting process and the Development Master Plan.

Click here to see an illustration of the Program Review process, a timeline, schedule and templates to guide you through the gathering and consideration of appropriate information.


Data Coordinator, Institutional Effectiveness                      Katie Robinson
972-985-3714                   katierobinson@collin.edu