Collin College Standing Committees


Committee Member List Minutes / Notes Links

Academic Progress Appeals Committee

Purpose: To hear appeals of students placed on academic suspension.

How is the committee selected? Appointed by the Registrar's office.

Contact Person: Shayla Andrews, (Wylie Campus, x8688),





Members List

Confidential - No meeting notes available

Banner Maintenance Committee

Purpose: To coordinate updates to Banner and oversee Banner security.

How is the committee selected? The committee is comprised of the respective data owners for Student Financial Aid, Finance, Human Resources, and Information Technology.

Contact Person: Vesna Sarafov (CHEC, x6643),






Member List 

No meeting notes available

 Calendar Committee

Purpose: To develop the master calendar for the upcoming academic year.

How is the committee selected? This committee is open to anyone that wants to attend.  There is representation from Faculty, Dean/Associate Deans - Academic, Dean/Associate Dean on Student Enrollment Services, Registrar's Office, Business Office, Payroll, HR, Dual Credit, IRO, Financial Aid, and Weekend College.

Contact Person: Jennifer Waits (McKinney Campus, x5174),




Clery Committee

Purpose: To ensure Collin College is in compliance with all aspects of the Clery Act and Violence Against Women Act, including, but not limited to, collecting and counting crime statistics; emergency notification and timely warning notice procedures; publishing the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (ASFSR); and appropriately responding to allegations of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. The following subcommittees are also under the Clery Committee: Clery Geography and Campus Maps, Drug Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) Compliance and Programming, and Emergency Notifications and Timely Warnings.

How is the committee selected? Members are selected from various areas of the college most likely to be involved in the creation and updating of Clery Act policies and procedures as well as compliance activities (e.g., Athletics, Collin College Police Department, Dean of Students Office, HR, PR, Student Housing, various compliance managers, etc.).

Contact Person: David Prevatte (Plano Campus),


Members List  

 Core Objectives Assessment Team (COAT)

Purpose: COAT is responsible for overseeing implementation of the general education core curriculum assessment process, training assessors, and maintaining the assessment rubrics.

How is the committee selected? New members are appointed by discipline Deans based on concern for campus and discipline representation when existing members end their term.  Faculty interested in serving on COAT should indicate that interest to their discipline Deans.

Contact Person: Randy Kinnett, Ph.D., Professor of Music (Frisco Campus, x5108), and
Helen McCourt, Ph.D., Professor of English, (Plano Campus, x5138),

COAT Website:


Members List Meeting Minutes / Notes

Cougar Wellness Committee

Purpose: The purpose of the committee is to provide creative programs and services that promote the idea and eventual practice of health responsibility for faculty, staff, and students. Creating and promoting programs such as the Wellness Team Challenge, Wellness Book Club, Wellness Website, and creating new pamphlets, indoor walking paths, Wellness bulletin board on each campus are all ongoing activities that have become part of the Cougar Wellness Program.

How is the committee selected? Volunteers.

Contact Person: Gen Northup (CHEC, x3852),




Members List


Data Standards and Quality Assurance Committee

Purpose: To ensure data in Collin College's administrative software systems are accurate, reliable, and valid; review, approve, and monitor requests for programming to generate new Argos reports or to modify existing Argos reports designed to support decision making across the District.

How is the committee selected? Appointed by the District President to represent Human Resources, Student, Financial Aid, Finance, Information Technology, and other administrative systems.

Contact Person: Tom Martin (CHEC, x3817),


Members List

February 2019
August 2019
June 2021
November 2021

Disciplinary Appeals Committee

Purpose: To hear and address student appeals regarding disciplinary rulings by the dean of students.

How is the committee selected?  Appointed by the District President.

Contact Person: Terrence Brennan, (CHEC, x5604),


Members List Confidential - No meeting notes available

Emergency Management Working Group

Purpose: Serve as the principal advisory body to the District’s Executive Leadership Team (ELT) in matters pertaining to natural and manmade hazards. 

How is the committee selected? Members of the EMWG shall be employees of the College who are appointed to serve as members by their departmental supervisor. EMWG members have the primary responsibility for daily emergency management activities.  The departments will appoint alternates with voting authority, and replacements as required. Membership is limited to those with a direct need and ability to support the EM program.

The EMWG Charter, approved by the president, will identify the college EMWG members. The members are typically at the VP or delegated level. The EMWG meets quarterly as a decision-making body that applies the collective judgment and experience to college issues and oversees the implementation of college policy on the EM Program. The president may combine the EMWG with other similar working groups. The EMWG has three sub-teams; Planning, Exercises, and Operations. Each team is comprised of a representative from the departments tasked in the objective. The representative must have experience and authority to speak for the department. Departments are encouraged to assign the same person to each team.

Contact Person: Mike Messina, (CHEC, x5617),


Members List May 2019
July/August 2019

Faculty Development Advisory Committee

Purpose: The advisory committee's primary mission is to collaborate with the Training and Development Office and to represent the voice of faculty interests for professional development across the district, particularly for the twice-yearly Faculty Development Conferences.

In partnership with the AVP of Training and Development and the Senior Vice President for Campus Operations (SVPCO), committee activities will include:

* Recommending. helping to vet, and selecting high-quality potential guest speakers, presenters, and themes for conferences and/or other events
* Recommending topics of interest for workshops or other professional development resources
* Posing ideas and recommendations for potential programming
* Providing proposal reviews for college-wide conference and participating in the selection process
* Providing assistance with programming and event implementation Determining any district-level training and development needs with regards to compliance and institutional strategic goals.

How is the committee selected? Full-time faculty may submit an application to join the committee when a call for members is released. Current committee members, the Training and Development Office, and the SVPCO will make the final selection. Committee membership includes representatives from each primary campus and a variety of disciplines, as well as both academic and workforce faculty. Committee membership calls for a 3-year commitment.

Click here for the Faculty Development Advisory Committee Procedures Document.

Contact Person: Dr. Allison Venuto (CHEC x5826)


Member List

February 2, 2024
March 1, 2024
March 22, 2024
April 19, 2024
May 23, 2024
June 20, 2024
July 18, 2024
August 1, 2024


Financial Aid Appeals Committee

Purpose: To hear and review petitions from students requesting reconsideration for financial aid assistance.

How is the committee selected? Appointed by the director of Financial Aid and Veteran Affairs.

Contact Person: Alan Pixley (CHEC, x3842),


Members List

General Education Steering Committee

Purpose: To monitor the results of Core Curriculum course outcomes and to make recommendations regarding continuous improvement plans and program review for the General Education;/Core Curriculum.

Contact Person: Dr. Meredith Wang (Plano, x5794),


Members List  

Grade Appeals Board (GAB)

Purpose: To hear student petitions for grade changes; and to make recommendations to the vice president/provosts.

How is the committee selected?  Appointed by the vice president/provosts.

Contact Person: Anne Reid (CHEC, x3828), or


Brian Lenhart - Plano
Tony Howard - Wylie
Amy Gainer - Tech
Garry Evans - McKinney
Gaye Cooksey - Frisco
TBD - Farmersville
TBD - Celina

Confidential - No meeting notes available

I Got Your Back (IGYB) Bystander Awareness and Intervention Committee

Purpose: Collin College’s I Got Your Back (IGYB) Bystander Awareness Project is an educational campaign to inform the entire Collin College community about and improve bystander intervention. IGYB’s purpose is to raise awareness, educate all individuals on their roles as bystanders, and make Collin College a safer community for students, staff, and faculty. Through its various initiatives, IGYB aims to teach everyone to be an active, effective bystander.

How is the committee selected? 

Contact Person: Joe Guy (Plano Campus, x5561),


Members List  

Institutional Review Board

Purpose: To review and make decisions regarding requests for studies to be conducted within the college involving human subjects.

How is the committee selected? Appointed by the vice president/provosts.

Contact Person: Sharon Eaves, Ph.D. (McKinney Campus, x6567),

Click Here for Informational Flyer


Members List



Monthly meeting dates and minutes available upon request.

Know Now Committee

Purpose: The purpose of Know Now is to educate Collin College students about issues related to substance use and abuse, empower students to make positive choices for their futures, and encourage utilization of campus and community resources for recovery.

How is the committee selected? 

Contact Person:  Brittanie Gray (Frisco Campus, x6615)


Members List


Online Advisory Board


Purpose: The OAB reviews online courses to ensure that they meet the same standards of quality and rigor as defined for onsite courses.  OAB members are Collin College faculty who teach online, and each division is represented by a faculty member.

How is the committee selected? Academic Deans recommend members of the OAB.

Online Advisory Board - Course Review Process

Faculty Orientation to Teaching with Canvas at Collin College (All Faculty)

Contact Person:  Pamela Darling-Facio (Plano Campus, x5914)


Members List




OAB Committee Meetings Webpage

Program Review Steering Committee

Purpose: To review and make recommendations in response to the Five Year Program Review reports completed each year as part of the Program Review/Continuous Improvement Process.

How is the committee selected? Appointed by the Leadership Team. Appointments are for 3 years, one third of the members roll off each year (although members can opt to stay on longer). Committee assignments are made by September 30th of each year for the academic year beginning that September.

Contact Person: Nick Valcik (CHEC, x3102),


Members List   

Refund Petition Appeals Committee

Purpose: To review petitions from students requesting exceptions to the state mandated refund policy.  Only petitions based on unforeseen medical and/or death in the family circumstances are considered. Student petitions submitted to are reviewed within 30 business days of submission.

How is the committee selected? Committee is comprised of five members representing Financial Services, Student and Enrollment Services, and Academic Affairs.  Membership is by supervisor recommendation, with a service commitment of at least three years. 

Contact Person: Sammi Woodyard (CHEC x3716)


Tony Ayers
Carie Dippel
Barbara Johnston
Michelle Millen
Kerry Thompson

Research Request Review Committee

Purpose: To evaluate the potential benefits of proposed research projects to Collin College, its students, faculty, and/or staff.

Contact Person: Jon H. Hardesty, Ph.D. (CHEC, x6338),

Click Here for Informational Flyer



Safety Committee

Purpose: The committee shall be charged with meeting as needed, but at least once each fall and spring semester to review the College's policy, any new legislation and legal decisions relating to this issue, and the effectiveness of the implementation of the College's policy.

How is the committee selected?  The District President shall appoint a standing committee, the Collin College Safety Committee that is chaired by the Executive Vice President and includes representatives from the administration, faculty, staff, and student government.

Contact Person: Dr. Bill King (CHEC, x3880),


Member List

Oct 2019

No meetings since October 2019 due to COVID-19.

Oct 2020

April 2021

Nov 2021

Nov 2022

October 2023

April 2024

November 2024

Scholarship Review Committee

Purpose: To promote the Collin Foundation Scholarship Program and to select Collin Foundation scholarship recipients.

How is the committee selected?  Participants may email the scholarship coordinator to volunteer to participate on the committee.

Contact Person: Marquetta Scruggs (CHEC, x3148),



Strategies of Behavioral Intervention (SOBI)

Purpose: Collin College's Strategies of Behavioral Intervention (SOBI) Committee serves as a central network focused on preventive and timely intervention before a crisis arises. The SOBI Committee has designed a process that reflects the best practices for referring, assessing, responding to, and assisting students who may display various levels of distressed, disturbed, and/or unregulated behavior.

How is the committee selected? A call for applications is sent out to the entire College District when new SOBI members are needed. Members are then selected to serve on SOBI based upon specific skill sets.  Additional individuals are asked to consult with SOBI when their particular expertise is needed.

Contact Person: Dr. Kim Gerber (Frisco Campus, x1911) or Allison Abbey (Wylie Campus, x 8361)  or


Members List Confidential - no meeting notes available

Student Activity Fee Advisory Committee (SAFAC)

Purpose: To administer the compulsory student activity fees in accordance with the Texas Education Code, sections 54.503 and 54.5031.

Section 54.5031 of the State of Texas Education Code (“Code”) establishes a student fee advisory committee at each institution of higher education except The University of Texas at Austin and the institutions of The Texas A&M University System to advise the governing board and administration of the institution on the type, amount, and expenditure of compulsory fees for student services under Section 54.503 of the Code.  

How is the committee selected?  Appointed by the District President and the Student Government Association.

Contact Person: Andreshia Kelley (Wylie Campus, x8482), 



Members List



January 2022
No February mtg
March 2022
April 2022

February 2024
March 2024
April 2024


Technology Advisory Committee

Purpose: To assist Technology Services in identifying and understanding the impact and implications of technological innovation at Collin College. The TAC will engage in research and discussion regarding the effective use of technology in teaching, learning, and daily operations. TAC will review current and new uses of technology to plan for the appropriate support infrastructure.  Identify standard interfaces for instructional technology; research/evaluate and recommend for implementation new instructional technology and communicate committee decisions to the College community. 

How is the committee selected?  By Appointment.

Contact Person: Dave Stephens (CHEC, x5037),






Members List

February 2018
March 2018
May 2018
September 2018
October 2018
November 2018

January 2019
February 2019
March 2019
May 2019
July 2019
September 2019

July 2020


Title IX Committee

Purpose: To ensure Collin College is in compliance with all aspects of Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, including, but not limited to, implementing regulations, including the investigation of complaints of discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual harassment, and sex and gender based violence.

How is the committee selected? Members are selected from various areas of the college most likely to be involved in the creation and updating of Title IX policies and procedures as well as compliance activities (e.g., Athletics, Collin College Police Department, Dean of Students Office, HR, and Counseling); and educate the Collin College community on issues related to Title IX.

Contact Person: Tonya Jacobson (CHEC, x3856), or Terrence Brennan (CHEC, x5734),


Members List




Confidential - no meeting notes available

Workforce Education Steering Committee

Purpose: To monitor Workforce Education programs to ensure they meet state and federal requirements as well as meets the needs of the Workforce.

How is the committee selected? Appointed by Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs and Student Development. Membership includes workforce deans, CEWD representatives, Carl Perkins representatives, and workforce faculty chairs/directors.

Contact Person: Karen Musa (Courtyard, x1961),


Members List