Online Class Visit

The Online Class Visit Process

 An Overview...

Access Canvas Course


  • Secure TA access to the class.
  • Use the visit form to guide independent evaluation.

Meet with faculty (either Zoom or F2F)

  • Address concerns raised during independent evaluation.
  • Conduct a walkthrough of the course with faculty.
  • Identify areas of strength and potential opportunities for improvement together.
  • Discuss areas of faculty need (tools, professional development, class management, etc.).

Complete the class visit form


  • Provide an opportunity to comment via the visit form.
  • Tie to annual appraisal for future reference.




The purpose of the Online Class Visit is to provide Collin College’s instructional supervisors with a method of observing how faculty have implemented their online courses to:

a) Encourage the creation/development of an effective learning environment for the enrolled students;

b) Engage enrolled students in a manner that encourages active participation in the class and active engagement with the course content;

c) Provide effective and ongoing feedback regarding student performance in the course; and

d) Provide appropriate course structure and organization that supports the delivery of the prior three elements.

History & Origins

In Spring and Summer 2019, Associate Deans and Directors are encouraged to pilot the evaluation of online courses using the new form to provide feedback on its usefulness and to provide suggestions for adjustments that may need to be made to either the form or the process. Beginning in the Fall of 2019, those faculty members that routinely teach online courses should be scheduled to have at least one of their online courses evaluated using the new Online Class Visit Form to include in the next Multi-Year contract review application.

Developing an alternating schedule of class visits for online courses and face-to-face courses should be a goal of all division offices for those FT and PT faculty teaching online courses on a regular, periodic basis (e.g. every year or every other year). Ultimately, there should be effective evaluation and feedback of faculty performance in all course delivery methods utilized by a faculty member over time (i.e. Incorporate visits to Lab sessions and clinical sessions as  well as lecture sessions; include visits of online, hybrid and face-to-face class sessions, etc.).

Online Class Visit Form (For Reviewers and Faculty)

Associate Deans/Directors: Process for Conducting an Online Visit

Faculty: Resources to Prepare for an Online Class Visit

link to model course


eLearning Center

Monday - Thursday: 8am – 6pm
Friday: 8am – 5pm
Available via Zoom, phone, email, and by appointment
The fastest way to contact any eLC staff member:
Phone: 972.881.5870

The eLC creates and supports dynamic, engaging online experiences to teach, learn, and work 

eLC Campus Locations:

Frisco Campus, H207
Andrew Campbell, Instructional Designer
Nick Eckel, Instructional Technologist
James Quillen, eLearning Assistant

iCollin CHEC Campus, 146
Ophelia Eftekhar, Instructional Designer

McKinney Campus, LA232
Ben Miro, Senior Instructional Designer
Nathan Courtright, Instructional Technologist
Andrea Jones, eLearning Assistant

Plano Campus, L257
Brad Hennigan, Senior Instructional Designer
Tyler Coleman, Instructional Technologist
Somayyeh Safaei Rezaei, eLearning Assistant

Technical Campus, A112
Matthew Stilson, Instructional Designer

Wylie Campus, LB204

Bridget Vosloo, Instructional Designer
Roy Brookshire, Instructional Technologist
Hannah Kallas, eLearning Assistant

Manager of eLearning Projects and Production
Summer Helm

Director eLearning
Pamela Darling-Facio
Telephone: 972.881.5914

Executive Director Technology Support
Ann Blackman
Telephone: 972.516.5016