Key Concepts

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Learn more about the key elements to making your content accessible.


Transcript: SCULPT for Accessibility

Overview: SCULPT for Accessibility

More information on SCULPT




The acronym SCULPT stands for:

  • Structure
  • Color and Contrast
  • Use of images
  • Links
  • Plain English
  • Table  structure.

Structure refers to headings and styles. You will want to incorporate built-in headings and styles where applicable. Using these heading styles makes it easier for those with visual disabilities to navigate documents while using a screen reader.

Color and contrast refers to the contrast between text and background colors. You will want to use a strong contrast so that those with visual disabilities can perceive the content.

Use of images refers to using alternative (or alt) text on your images. You will want to include alt text to describe each of your images. Using alt text allows those with visual disabilities and using a screen reader to read the content contained in the images.

Links refers to the naming of hyperlinks. When those with visual disabilities are using a screen reader, they will pull up a menu with a list of all the document’s referenced hyperlinks. You will want to provide a clear and accurate title for your hyperlinks so that they can tab through the separate menu and visit the websites after reading the main document’s content.

Plain English refers to writing clearly and simply for the appropriate audience. By writing with the reader in mind, those using a translator or those with cognitive disabilities are more likely to understand the content.

Table  structure  refers to using a simple table structure. Using a simple table structure will help ensure that screen readers can accurately read the information for those with visual disabilities. 

Universal Design for Learning


Getting Started with UDL

How Can UDL be implemented?

Universal Design for Learning Guidelines

Engagement - The Why of Learning

Representation - The What of Learning

Action & Expression - The How of Learning



eLearning Center

Monday - Thursday: 8am – 6pm
Friday: 8am – 5pm
Available via Zoom, phone, email, and by appointment
The fastest way to contact any eLC staff member:
Phone: 972.881.5870

The eLC creates and supports dynamic, engaging online experiences to teach, learn, and work 

eLC Campus Locations:

Frisco Campus, H207
Andrew Campbell, Instructional Designer
Nick Eckel, Instructional Technologist
James Quillen, eLearning Assistant

McKinney Campus, LA232
Ben Miro, Senior Instructional Designer
Matthew Stilson, Instructional Designer
Nathan Courtright, Instructional Technologist
Andrea Jones, eLearning Assistant

Plano Campus, L257
Brad Hennigan, Senior Instructional Designer
Tyler Coleman, Instructional Technologist

Wylie Campus, LB204
Bridget Vosloo, Instructional Designer
Roy Brookshire, Instructional Technologist
Taylor Flowers, eLearning Assistant

iCollin CHEC Campus, 146
Ophelia Eftekhar, Instructional Designer

Manager of eLearning Projects and Production
Summer Helm

Director eLearning
Pamela Darling-Facio
Telephone: 972.881.5914

Executive Director Technology Support
Ann Blackman
Telephone: 972.516.5016