Accessibility Workshops

Accessibility Workshops

Create Accessible Canvas Courses Webinar

Creating accessible courses in Canvas does not only create a more inclusive learning environment, it’s also just better design. Explore the available tools and design tips to create accessible Canvas courses. 


  • Discuss the challenges facing students and faculty
  • Explore simple and quick ways to make your Canvas course more accessible to all students – including those with disabilities
  • Introduction to using the Ally Course Accessibility Report Tool 


Create Accessible Documents Webinar

Creating accessible documents is an important step in catering to all learners. Learn how to utilize the accessibility tools in Office 365 to create accessible documents, PowerPoints, and PDFs. 


  • Check accessibility of Microsoft Office documents including Word and PowerPoint
  • Utilize Microsoft accessibility tools to make documents accessible to all learners
  • Create accessible PDF documents and use the Adobe accessibility checker


Section 504 and Title II of the ADA

This course will give employees an overview of Section 504 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. After watching the required video, please complete the form to confirm you have completed this training.This is a self-paced course. Employees can enroll by clicking the link for the Section 504 and Title II of the ADA course. 


  1. Legal Requirements, Definitions, and Types of Disabilities
  2. Prohibited Discrimination
  3. Academic Adjustments and Auxiliary Aids
  4. Process and Implementation
  5. Counseling and Placement Services
  6. Behavior Issues
  7. Disability Services at Collin College
  8. Common Accommodations and Assistive Technologies
  9. Online Accommodations and Faculty Right and Responsibilities
  10. Practical Tips and Best Practices

Self-Enroll in Section 504 and Title II of the ADA

Addressing Accessibility at Collin CollegeWorkshops

Self-enroll in this online, self-paced course in Canvas to learn more about digital accessibility. The course includes three levels and topics include:

  1. Define digital accessibility
  2. Explain why digital accessibility is important
  3. Apply basic accessibility standards to a page in Canvas
  4. Define and review challenges faced by learners
  5. Explain legislation that impacts digital accessibility
  6. Apply basic accessibility standards to a Microsoft document
  7. Explain basic components of Universal Design for Learning and how it impacts digital accessibility
  8. Relate accommodations and modifications to accessibility
  9. Construct an accessible document
  10. Discuss how you can implement UDL into a course

You will have an opportunity to test some of the skills learned in this workshop with To-Do activities at the end of each level. 

Self-Enroll in Addressing Accessibility at Collin College

Use the search forms to see if you have completed any levels of Addressing Accessibility at Collin College.

eLearning Center

Monday - Thursday: 8am – 6pm
Friday: 8am – 5pm
Available via Zoom, phone, email, and by appointment
The fastest way to contact any eLC staff member:
Phone: 972.881.5870

The eLC creates and supports dynamic, engaging online experiences to teach, learn, and work 

eLC Campus Locations:

Frisco Campus, H207
Andrew Campbell, Instructional Designer
Nick Eckel, Instructional Technologist
James Quillen, eLearning Assistant

McKinney Campus, LA232
Ben Miro, Senior Instructional Designer
Matthew Stilson, Instructional Designer
Nathan Courtright, Instructional Technologist
Andrea Jones, eLearning Assistant

Plano Campus, L257
Brad Hennigan, Senior Instructional Designer
Tyler Coleman, Instructional Technologist

Wylie Campus, LB204
Bridget Vosloo, Instructional Designer
Roy Brookshire, Instructional Technologist
Taylor Flowers, eLearning Assistant

iCollin CHEC Campus, 146
Ophelia Eftekhar, Instructional Designer

Manager of eLearning Projects and Production
Summer Helm

Director eLearning
Pamela Darling-Facio
Telephone: 972.881.5914

Executive Director Technology Support
Ann Blackman
Telephone: 972.516.5016