

Zoom Virtual Backgrounds 

The eLC has created custom backgrounds you can use in your Zoom meeting as a virtual background. To use a Collin College background:

  1. From a PC, right click on the image below that you would like to use
  2. From a Mac, Ctrl and click the image
  3. Click Save As
  4. Navigate to your Zoom account on Zoom.us
  5. Log in with your Collin credentials
  6. Click Settings
  7. Scroll down the Setting option until you see "Virtual Background"
  8. Enable virtual backgrounds using the blue slider
  9. Click Manage virtual backgrounds
  10. Click Choose Files
  11. Navigate to your downloads folder
  12. Select the virtual background you would like to use and click Open
  13. Click Done
Click on the link below for more information about Zoom's virtual backgrounds.

Using a Virtual Background in Zoom


Zoom background - Collin swirl

Zoom background - Collin waves

Zoom background - Collin squares

Zoom background light blue

Zoom background medium blue

Zoom background dark blue



Zoom Home

eLearning Center

Monday - Thursday: 8am – 6pm
Friday: 8am – 5pm
Available via Zoom, phone, email, and by appointment
The fastest way to contact any eLC staff member:
Phone: 972.881.5870
Email: eLC@collin.edu 

The eLC creates and supports dynamic, engaging online experiences to teach, learn, and work 

eLC Campus Locations:

Frisco Campus, H207
Andrew Campbell, Instructional Designer
Nick Eckel, Instructional Technologist
James Quillen, eLearning Assistant

iCollin CHEC Campus, 146
Ophelia Eftekhar, Instructional Designer

McKinney Campus, LA232
Ben Miro, Senior Instructional Designer
Nathan Courtright, Instructional Technologist
Andrea Jones, eLearning Assistant

Plano Campus, L257
Brad Hennigan, Senior Instructional Designer
Tyler Coleman, Instructional Technologist
Somayyeh Safaei Rezaei, eLearning Assistant

Technical Campus, A112
Matthew Stilson, Instructional Designer

Wylie Campus, LB204

Bridget Vosloo, Instructional Designer
Roy Brookshire, Instructional Technologist
Hannah Kallas, eLearning Assistant

Manager of eLearning Projects and Production
Summer Helm

Director eLearning
Pamela Darling-Facio
Telephone: 972.881.5914
email: pdarlingfacio@collin.edu

Executive Director Technology Support
Ann Blackman
Telephone: 972.516.5016
email: ablackman@collin.edu