Sabbatical Leave

Program Purpose          

Sabbatical leaves are authorized for the primary purpose of increasing the value of the recipient's sustained contribution to the college by providing the individual a significant opportunity for professional growth. The leaves are not to be understood as deferred compensation nor are they to be anticipated simply on the basis of longevity at the college. Sabbatical leave may be granted, upon application, for study, research, writing, field observations or other suitable purposes. Opportunities for additional training, for improving skills and for maintaining currency in the field are also purposes of sabbatical leave. (Local Board Policy DEC)

If you are eligible to apply for a sabbatical leave, each applicant must initiate the sabbatical leave application process with his/her dean, director or immediate supervisor.  Each applicant and respective supervisor will follow the prescribed timetable as outlined in the Application Approval Path Diagram. Decisions regarding endorsement must be based on faculty loads; curriculum needs; budget available for replacement and other considerations.


Sabbatical applications that support the college district’s curriculum, mission, and initiatives that further the objectives of the College District’s Strategic Plan are strongly encouraged. 

(Please note: Curriculum proposals must have course or program approvals completed in advance.

Teaching/Methodologies - Suggested areas of focus:

  • Develop research-based strategies designed to improve and assess student learning outcomes 
  • Document, evaluate, and make recommendations for new and innovative classroom learning pedagogies   
  • Projects that emphasize developmental education, such as success rates, co-reqs, and alternative assessments

Classroom Research - Suggested areas of focus:

  • Develop new course/program delivery modalities based on research and best practices 
  • Conduct studies in developing and embedding assessment activities
  • Develop course materials centered on increasing student accessibility and reducing/eliminating student course material costs through open educational resources (OER)

Discipline Research - Suggested areas of focus:

  • Research and develop proposed strategies for improved course completion
  • Discipline-based research related to the college district’s curriculum (current or future)
  • Develop student research projects that can be implemented within the college district’s disciplines
  • Research how to create a campus culture with a bridge between workforce and general education while promoting enrollment for both 
  • Development of smooth connections between workforce and general education courses to promote completion rates in both certifications and degree

Using Technology - Suggested areas of focus:

  • Research in the areas of improving teaching, learning and/or assessment strategies
  • Conduct research regarding the application of emerging technologies such as I to teaching, learning, and/or assessment 
  • Conduct research in the area of online student services and identify strategies for improvement of online service delivery 

Professional Enrichment - Suggested areas of focus:

  • Conduct scholarly research at a university in an area related to his/her current teaching discipline
  • Pursue advanced education, certification, or licensure directly related to current Collin position 

Improving College Operations - Suggested areas of focus:

  • Develop models/strategies for improving district-wide student retention and completion
  • Develop models / strategies for enhancing student engagement in academic learning opportunities (learning communities, honors, team-based learning, etc.)
  • Develop research-based strategies designed to improve student outcomes
  • Develop strategies and programs designed to increase enrollment and persistence of under-represented students
  • Develop model/strategies for improving efficiency in current college processes 
  • Develop model/strategies for enhancing communication across the district
  • Develop model/strategies designed to increase data-informed decision-making
  • Develop model/strategies for succession planning
  • Develop model/strategies for creating a high-performing culture
  • Projects that explore workforce program development and sustainment, such as recruitment of professors 
  • Other projects that connect to the college's strategic goals


In addition to considering the proposal’s relevance/impact, its format and content, and its benefits to students, college, community, and/or yourself, the following criteria will be considered:

  • Service to the College District
  • Demonstrated success in student learning outcomes
  • Sabbatical history and the balance of sabbatical leaves among faculty in a department 
  • Performance appraisals and documentation. [Faculty members with formal disciplinary action or a current Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) cannot be considered for sabbatical leave.]


Note:  The Sabbatical Committee considers the information in this section to be critical in the evaluation of your application.

  1. State concisely the research or development plan, including:
    • specific objectives and methods of procedure,
    • the rationale and significance, benefit to the Collin College community, and
    • the relationship (if any) to previous or related work in progress here or elsewhere.  
  2. Include a summary timetable for accomplishing the project. 
  3. An appropriate (abbreviated) bibliography, which demonstrates your knowledge of the current literature related to this project, must also be included.  Limit the narrative (excluding bibliography) to not more than two single-spaced pages.  If more voluminous materials are to be included, please assemble this in an appendix.
  4. List resources (possible grant subsidies, agreements, organizations, individuals or other resources, etc.), which you anticipate utilizing in this sabbatical project.
  5. In addition to the original, ten (10) copies of all materials should be provided.



Eligibility for sabbatical leave is defined by Chapter 51.101(3) of the Texas Education Code as follows:  ""Faculty member" means a person who is employed by an institution of higher education on a full-time basis as a member of the faculty or staff and whose duties include teaching, research, administration, including professional librarians or the performance of professional services.  However, the term does not include a person employed in a position which is in the institution's classified personnel system [Collin College's non-exempt positions] or a person employed in a similar type of position if the institution does not have a classified personnel system."  Hereafter, the term "faculty member" refers to all those included above.

Faculty members are eligible to apply for a sabbatical upon completion of five (5) years of continuous full-time service since employment or since return from a previous sabbatical. You are eligible to apply for sabbatical during the sixth year of service.  A sabbatical proposal will only be considered to be taken in the seventh year (or greater) of continuous service. These applications must be submitted by December* of the applicant's sixth (6th) or any subsequent year of service.  Six (6) years of continuous full-time service must be completed before a sabbatical can commence.  *Note: The deadline for the current year will be Friday, November 17, 2023.

Faculty members who have received a sabbatical leave within the past five (5) years or who are in their last year of employment at Collin College are ineligible for sabbatical leave.  Specific questions concerning eligibility for sabbatical leave shall be referred to the Director of Employee Success and Talent Development, Shelley Sheldon, ext. 3158.


Each applicant must initiate the sabbatical leave application process with his/her dean, director or immediate supervisor.  Each applicant and respective supervisor will follow the prescribed timetable as outlined in the signature section of this packet.  Decisions regarding endorsement must be based on faculty loads; curriculum needs; budget available for replacement and other considerations.

The granting of a sabbatical leave should not create undue hardship for students or faculty members, and it should not unduly limit college functions, e.g., course offerings, student services, college operations, etc. Endorsement by the respective dean/director should be taken to mean that these criteria are being met and that the proposed sabbatical project is valid.


Applications for sabbatical leave shall be received and evaluated by the Sabbatical Committee that shall be elected by the faculty (as defined in #2) each September and which shall operate according to Board of Trustees policy.  Subject to the limitations specified in this policy statement, and upon the recommendation of the Sabbatical Committee, the president may authorize sabbatical leaves for eligible faculty members, subject to approval by the Board of Trustees.  The committee consists of ten (10) elected members  and one (1) appointed ex-officio member whose two- (2) year staggered terms coincide with the academic year.  The committee chair is elected from within the sabbatical committee.


6 - Teaching faculty
4 - Exempt staff
1 – Ex-Officio (non-voting position)

Leave Period and Compensation

Faculty members on nine- (9) month appointments may be granted leave for one long semester at full salary or for two (2) consecutive long semesters, which may be separated by the summer terms, at one-half salary.  Faculty members on twelve- (12) month appointments may be granted leave for up to 4.5 consecutive months at the regular salary rate or for up to nine (9) consecutive months at one-half of the regular salary rate.  The terms "full salary" and "half salary" and "regular salary" are understood to apply to budgeted contract salaries, not including extra service, irrespective of the number of installments in which the salary is received, and to include any adjustments that become effective for or during the leave period.

Grants and Employment

A faculty member on sabbatical leave may accept a grant for study, research or travel from any institution of higher education or from a charitable, religious or educational corporation or foundation, from any business enterprise, or from any state, federal or local government, but may not accept employment of any kind except as may be specifically approved by the Board of Trustees.

Insurance and Benefits

A faculty member on sabbatical leave is an employee for purposes of participation in the programs and receiving the benefits made available by or through the college/state to employees.  During the sabbatical leave, the college shall continue all contractual deductions and payments from compensation relevant to such participation and benefits.

Maximum Number of Sabbaticals to be Granted

In accordance with Texas State Education Code 51.106, “not more than six percent of the faculty members of any institution of higher education may be on faculty development leave at any one time.”

Expectation of Future Service

Sabbatical leave shall be awarded with the provision that the recipient will be expected to continue in service at the college for at least one (1) academic year after completion of the sabbatical.  As part of the application process, each applicant shall confirm his/her intent to remain in the employ of the college, for one academic year upon completion of the sabbatical.  Failure to return for all or part of the one- (1) year period will make the person liable for the return of all, or part, of the sabbatical stipend in proportion to the percent of time not completed.


Payment of salary to the faculty members on sabbatical leave may be made from the funds appropriated by the legislature specifically for the purpose or from such other funds as may be available to the college for this purpose.

Special Circumstances

There may be occasions when faculty members eligible for sabbaticals are offered "once in a lifetime" opportunities that fall outside the time lines of the sabbatical process.  In order for the Sabbatical Committee to consider such unusual requests, the faculty member must request a special review by the Sabbatical Committee.


  1. A Sabbatical Leave Report must be submitted to the dean, director, or immediate supervisor and to the Human Resources Office within four (4) months after completion of the leave. In addition, a presentation of summary findings will be required at a Collin College Faculty Development Conference following the return from sabbatical.
  2. Recipients will not serve on college task forces, committees, or faculty council, or accept other similar assignments during the time of their leave.   Applicants for sabbaticals may not serve as members of the Sabbatical Committee.
  3. Acknowledgment of sabbatical assistance shall be given in any publications, exhibits, performances, or other public presentations resulting from work accomplished during the sabbatical leave.
  4. College policies and guidelines on intellectual property rights apply to all persons on sabbatical leave.  Any request for exception to the intellectual property rights guidelines must be submitted to the college president, in writing, prior to commencement of the sabbatical for review and consideration.

Program Contact

Please contact with questions.

Sabbatical Leave Committee 2024


Cathleen Akers
Dr. Millie Black
Pam Gaiter
Dr. Mike McConachie
Dr. Jason Morgan
Dr. Aaron West


Pamela Darling-Facio
Dr. Amy Gainer
Wendy Gunderson
Regina Hughes

Sabbatical Leave Approved by the Board of Trustees on March 26, 2024

Fall 2024
Rich DeRouen
Discipline Lead, Professor of Humanities

Julie Hershenberg, J.D.
Professor of Political Science

Kimberly Lower
Professor of Nutrition

Dr. Dustin Potter
Professor of Mathematics

Sabbatical Leave Packet with Application

(fillable pdf format) - includes the sabbatical leave guidelines, priorities and requirements, sabbatical leave application form, and the application approval path diagram

Sabbatical Leave Archives Link 
click on this link to view other sabbatical leave abstracts submitted and approved from previous years