Core Curriculum Purpose Statement
Through a wide variety of courses, Collin College's general education core curriculum offers students a foundation of knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world, principles of personal and social responsibility for living in a diverse global world, and advanced intellectual and practical skills that are essential for all learning.
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) Core Objectives: Critical Thinking Skills, Communication Skills, Empirical and Quantitative Skills, Teamwork, Personal Responsibility and Social Responsibility.
Core Curriculum Review by the Curriculum Advisory Board (CAB) - To submit your course(s) for CAB review, please use the following guidelines:
- Complete a Core Review Approval Form and any required supporting documentation.
- Complete the appropriate template for the Foundational Component Area that applies to the course(s) being reviewed:
- Syllabus
- Update the generic course syllabus(i) and indicate in parenthesis which student learning
outcomes (SLOs) are responsible for teaching which Core Objective(s) listed below.
- Communication Skills
- Critical Thinking
- Empirical/Quantitative Skills
- Teamwork
- Personal Responsibility
- Social Responsibility
- Update the generic course syllabus(i) and indicate in parenthesis which student learning
outcomes (SLOs) are responsible for teaching which Core Objective(s) listed below.
Submit completed forms and any required documentation to your Dean.
- Dean(s) will review all information to ensure required documentation meets the following
- Each Required Core Objective, determined by the Foundational Component Area, has a minimum of one measurable SLO that is clearly supported.
- Each SLO has at least one learning activity and at least one assessment that applies
to the Required Core Objective.
- When all requirements have been met, the Dean will digitally sign the Core Review Approval Form and submit all documents to the Curriculum Office.