Staff Council Service Committees

The Recognition of Service and Excellence (R.O.S.E). Award

Committee Chair: Jill Stine
Co-Chair: Sarai Gonzalez

This staff recognition program recognizes excellence and extraordinary effort demonstrated by a full-time and part-time staff member who exemplify passion for Collin College's core values of learning, service and involvement, creativity and innovation, academic excellence, dignity and respect, and integrity. Click here to learn more about the R.O.S.E. Award.


Student Employee of the Year (S.E.O.T.Y.) Award

Committee Chair: Cherry Brown
Co-Chair: Shontel Pearson

The Student Employee of the Year Award recognizes excellence and extraordinary effort demonstrated by Collin College student employees who exemplify passion for Collin College’s core values of learning, service and involvement, creativity and innovation, academic excellence, dignity and respect, and integrity. Click here to learn more about the Student Employee of the Year Award.


Meals on Wheels

Committee Chair: Susan Karlsen
Co-Chair:  Jasmine Brisco

At the core of the Meals on Wheels service is a nutritious meal, companionship and a watchful eye on the health and safety of our seniors in the community.  Meals on Wheels serves in gathering places, such as senior centers and community facilities. Click here to learn more about Meals on Wheels.


Foundation Support Committee 

Committee Chair: Rhonda Bolton
Co-Chair: Ron Thompson

The Foundation Support Committee helps the Foundation Department by volunteering for various events given by the department.  This includes support of The All College Silent Auction is the annual fundraiser held during All College Day. This fundraiser covers the cost of many hours of tuition and fees for our students. Click here to learn more about the Silent Auction.


Random Acts of Core Values

Committee Chair: Lindsay Moore
Co-Chair: Alisha Collins

This committee oversees the Random Acts of Core Values program to recognize outstanding employees who are living Collin's core values. Click here to recognize an outstanding employee.


Campus Ambassadors 

Committee Chair: Don Dickson
Co-Chair:  Lisa Morman

This committee will help new support new employees of Collin College with becoming better oriented with their respective campus.