
Membership in the Staff Council consists of 30 Collin College staff members.

The Executive Committee,consists of the President, Vice-President (President-Elect), Recorder, and Treasurer.

Members of the Staff Council serve a two-year term that begins on September 1 of the year they are elected/appointed and ends on August 31 two years later.


Meet the 2018-2019 Executive Team 


Meet the 2018-2019 Staff Council 

 Andrews, Linda Frisco Reference Librarian 
Andrews, Shayla McKinney Student Development Specialist
Barnhart, Brandon Frisco Math Lab Instructor
Barron, Monica CHEC HR Compensation Analyst 
Cannon, Susan CYC Project Manager - Grants
Carpenter, Deidra Plano Special Admissions Coordinator 
Chavez, Ana McKinney Manager, Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs
Duckworth, Andy Plano Coordinator, Music Technology Lab
Dunn, Debbie Plano Associate Registrar 
Grayczyk, Jacqueline Plano Financial Aid/VA Advisor
Guerra, Rosa McKinney Division Secretary
Guy, Joe Plano Student Conduct Officer
Head, Kimberly CYC Director, CE Health Sciences
Heliste, Pamela Plano Counselor 
Helm, Colin Frisco Media Technology Specialist
Henry-Aguilar, Julie McKinney Assistant to the Dean
Herrera, Sandi McKinney Executive Assistant
Hines, John Frisco Career Coach
Howard, Elizabeth McKinney Outreach Coordinator
Khedairy, Nadia Frisco Campus Lead
Langford, Jackie McKinney Simulation Program Director
Long, Renee Frisco Executive Assistant
Miles, Dusty Plano Supervisor of Marketing
Miro, Ben McKinney Instructional Designer
Morman, Lisa CHEC Coordinator, Accounts Payable
Nixon, Jana Frisco Career Coach
Peeples, Jinger McKinney Assistant to the Dean
Pilcher, Karla CHEC Assistant to the Dean of Students
Richardson, Casey CYC Help Desk Analyst 
Wee, Linda CYC Director, Workforce and Professional Programs