QEP Glossary of Terms

First time in college (FTIC) – This refers to students who have completed high school and are entering their first term as a college student. (This definition does not include students who are taking college courses for dual credit.)

Formal support resources – This term refers to support resources that are officially endorsed and provided by Collin College, including academic advising, disability services and accommodations, the Anthony Peterson Center for Academic Assistance (tutoring), campus events offered by the Office of Student Engagement, student organizations, career centers or career center events, financial aid, computer labs, faculty office hours, campus libraries, veteran resource centers, intramural sports and fitness centers, TimelyCare, and counseling services.

Persistence – Expressed as a percentage and often referred to as fall-to-fall persistence, persistence is defined as the rate at which students enroll for a fall term, complete one year of course work, and then return for their second fall term.

Underserved – Underserved students are defined as “those who do not receive equitable resources as other students in the academic pipeline” (California State University, 2020, para. 82). Historically, and for the purpose of this QEP, underserved groups of students include low-income students, first-generation students (i.e. students who are the first in their family to pursue a post-secondary degree or certificate from a higher education institution), and students of color; specifically, students who identify as Black or African American, Hispanic, American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and multiple races. 

Academic Success – Refers to the rate at which students earn A, B, and C grades.

Co-Enrolled Courses – Refers to paired/linked courses that are structured back-to-back where students attend one course and then the other. Participating faculty do not attend/teach in both paired courses. Instructors are listed as the instructor of record and credited with the number of contact hours only for the course that they teach. However, one instructor may be able to teach both courses in a co-enrolled pair, dependent on the credentialing of the faculty.



California State University. (2020, July 6). Diversity/Inclusivity Style Guide. Retrieved from calstate.edu: https://www.calstate.edu/csu-system/csu-branding-standards/editorial-style-guide/Pages/diversity-style-guide.aspx