QEP Budget

To view the full proposed budget, click this link.

The proposed budget for the QEP includes lines for adjunct and full-time instructors to teach additional sections of EDUC 1300, Learning Frameworks (the re-designed FYS course), fees associated with an early alert system, and a potential CRM platform. The budget also includes lines to establish and maintain a First-Year Experience Office, which incorporates office furnishings and supplies, travel, marketing and events, memberships, dues and subscriptions, and personnel, including a QEP Director/Manager of First Year Experience. The FYE Office budget also includes a line for an FYS Faculty Fellow stipend. All salaries include a burden percentage of 32% for full-time positions and 20% for part-time positions.

The largest initiative in terms of the budget is the proposed FYE Office, which makes up 55.48%. For the FYE Office, personnel make up most of the expenditures with a manager (also the QEP Director), two coordinators, an assistant to the manager, and student assistants. Personnel costs begin in Year 0 at $102,896.64 (QEP Director salary plus burden percentage) and grow to $316,094.90 in Year 1, which is the time when the office will hire coordinators, an assistant, and student workers.

Between Year 1 and Year 5, an anticipated annual 3% wage increase is included in the calculations, bringing the total FYE Office personnel cost over 6 years (including Year 0) to $1,771,813.31. Budget line items for the proposed FYE Office that are non-personnel related include travel ($2,000), marketing and events ($50,000), memberships, dues and subscriptions ($550), and an FYS Faculty Fellow stipend ($71,000 total).

Also included in the FYE Office non-personnel budget is furnishings and supplies. Year 0 has an anticipated furnishing and supplies budget of $4,500, but it decreases to $2,000 in Year 1 and remains at that amount through the entirety of QEP implementation. Through the five years of QEP implementation along with the furnishing and supplies expenditures in Year 0, the FYE Office non-personnel budget equals $348,250. This amount combined with the personnel budget puts the proposed FYE Office at a total budget of $2,120,063.31 through 2030.

The second largest portion of the proposed budget is allocated to adjunct and full-time instructors to teach the expanded EDUC 1300 FYS course. (It should be noted that the budget only accounts for new sections that are required as a result of the FTIC requirement criteria. It does not include the number of sections of EDUC 1300 that are currently offered.) The requirement to take the FYS course goes into effect during implementation Year 2, during which FTIC students who place into INRW and MATH 0405 or lower must take EDUC 1300, Learning Frameworks. During this year, an additional 28 sections are projected during fall 2026 with a need for an additional 21 part-time and 7 full-time instructors.

The base pay for a part-time instructor teaching a 3-credit hour course is $3,264 while the pay for a full-time instructor is $4,407. For the increase in instructors along with the burden percentage calculation during implementation Year 2, the anticipated budget is $122,973.48. Year 3 uses the same calculations with the same FYS requirement criteria. The only difference is that the number of new sections needed for the fall 2027 term increases by two to anticipate growth in FTIC enrollment. Consequently, two additional part-time instructors along with the burden percentage are calculated as part of the Year 3 instructor budget, making it $130,807.08 for the year.

Year 4 will see the expansion of criteria for students required to take the FYS course. In Year 4, any FTIC student who places into all developmental courses with no college-level placement will be required to take EDUC 1300. This will increase the number of new sections to 106 in fall 2028 and 15 in spring 2029, requiring a total of 92 part-time instructors and 29 full-time instructors. Including the burden percentage, this is a total of $529,045.56. In Year 5, the FYS requirement criteria further expands to include any FTIC student who placed into any level of developmental education in either INRW or MATH. This is expected to increase the number of new FYS course sections to 170 in fall 2029 and 33 sections in spring 2030. For this increase, a total of 153 part-time instructors and 50 full-time instructors are necessary, which, along with the burden percentage, amounts to $890,132.40 in Year 5. The total amount required for this initiative through 2030 is $1,672,958.52 (43.78% of the proposed budget).

The remainder of the proposed budget is going towards procuring and maintaining a CRM platform to be used for increasing students’ use of formal support resources ($18,000 through 2030), as well as maintaining an early alert system ($10,000 through 2030). The full budget for each of the proposed initiatives is approximately $3,821,021.83 through 2030.