Councils, Committees and Task Forces

Collin College encourages your participation in the following shared governance councils, committees and task forces to ensure a vibrant, growing organization.  This is consistent with our college-wide emphasis in civic engagement and with our core values, which include a passion for:

Learning, Service & Involvement, CreativitInnovation, Academic Excellence, Dignity & Respect, Integrity

Faculty and staff wishing to participate in any of these committees should indicate their interest to the listed contact person.


Collin College defines Councils as those groups whose primary charge is to consider and make recommendations regarding broad policy issues in their respective areas of focus.

Executive Leadership Team:

The Collin College Executive Leadership Team consists of the President's Cabinet, Campus Provosts and other college leaders.  This group generally meets monthly to discuss and consider district-wide strategic planning, organizational and policy matters.

Standing Committees:

Standing committees are either elected or appointed groups who are charged with considering such topics as appeals, functional applications, and district-wide operational issues and tasks. 

Ad hoc Committees and Task Forces:

Ad hoc Committees and Task Forces are charged with carrying out a specific task or project or implementing an initiative.  These groups do not generally extend beyond completion of the assigned task or charter