Literature, Poetry, and Books Databases

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Academic OneFile (Gale) TexShare Logo
Include Full Text
Scholarly and peer-reviewed journals, magazines, newspapers, books, news program transcripts and podcasts, videos, images
Use for: All topics
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Academic Search Complete
Includes Full Text 
Links to cited references 
1865-present, many full-text.
Academic and peer-reviewed journals, magazines 
Use for: General information on a wide variety of subjects
How to search
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ACLS Humanities E-Book
Full Text
Online books. 4700+ searchable titles. 
Use for: Humanities, History, Government, Art, Dance, Literature, Philosophy
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Biography (Gale In Context) TexShare Logo
Includes Full Text
Coverage: Current and historical information
Reference book articles, magazine articles, images, websites
Use for: Biographical information on notable people past and present
How to Search
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Books and Authors (Gale) TexShare Logo
Includes Full Text
Information about books and authors, biographical essays, book reviews, themed booklists including award winners, read-alikes
Use for: English, Literature
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Digital Theatre+
Streaming video 
80+ productions - plays, operas and ballets, supporting study and teaching guides
Use for: Theatre, Dance, Music, Humanities, Film 
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Drama for Students
Includes Full Text of print reference books
Dates vary by book
Provides critical overviews of plays.
Use for: Literature, English, Theatre
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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
Full Text
Online books, mainly non-fiction
Use for: Books on any subject
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Epics for Students
Full Text of print reference books
Dates vary by book
Provides critical overviews of literary epics
Use for: Literature, English
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Essay and General Literature Index
Citations only
Locations of individual essays within book collections
Use for: Humanities, History, Literature, Psychology
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Includes Full Text
Articles from magazines, reference books, photos, flags, as well as film and video, etc.
Use for:General information on all subjects
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Online writing assistant helps improve grammar, spelling, style, and tone.
Check college email for invitation to set up free account.
No invitation? Contact
Use for: Writing help in all subjects
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Humanities Full Text
Full Text
Academic and peer-reviewed journals, Magazines
Use for: Art, Dance, Film, History, Humanities, Literature, Music, Philosophy, Speech Communication, Theatre
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Includes Full Text
Dates covered: 1600s up to 3-5 years ago. All issues of included journals.
Scholarly and peer-reviewed journals, primary sources
Use for: All topics, especially scholarly and historical information about any topic
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Literary Reference Source
Formerly Literary Reference Center
Includes Full Text

Current and historical information
Scholarly and peer-reviewed journals, books, encyclopedias, Masterplots, text of poems and stories
Use for: English, Humanities, literary criticism, biographies, literary works
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Literature (Gale) TexShare Logo
Includes Full Text
Reference book articles, scholarly and peer-reviewed journals, magazine articles, websites
Literary criticism, full-text literary works, biographies of authors, plot summaries and overviews
Includes Contemporary Authors, Contemporary Literary Criticism, Dictionary of Literary Biography
Includes Literature Resource Center, LitFinder, Scribner Writer Series, Twayne's Author Series
Use for: Literature and literary criticism
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Litfinder TexShare Logo
Includes Full Text
Early literature to present
About 135,000 poems, over 7,000 short stories and novels, about 4,000 essays, nearly 1,300 plays, and about 2,000 speeches all in full text
Contextual work explanations, topical essays, definitions, author biographies
Use for: English, Literature, Speech, History
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MasterFILE Complete
Includes Full Text
Includes primary sources, photos, maps, charts, graphs, magazine articles
Use for: English, Government, History, Humanities, Social Sciences
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MLA Handbook Plus
Full Text
E-book version of the 9th edition of the MLA Handbook.
Example citations, videos on key concepts, guidance on avoiding plagiarism, inclusive language and annotated bibliographies
Use for: English, Humanities, Arts, MLA format
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MLA International Bibliography
Includes Full Text of some journal articles
Journal articles, citations for books and dissertations
Use for: English, Humanities, literary criticism
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Novels for Students
Includes Full Text of print reference books
Dates vary by book
Provides critical overviews of novels
Use for: Literature, English
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Oxford English Dictionary
Includes Full Text
Updated regularly
Word definitions and origins
Use for: English, ESL
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Philosopher's Index
Citations and Abstracts only
Scholarly and peer-reviewed journals, books
Use for: Philosophy, Humanities, Ethics
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Play Index
Citations only
Publication information for individual plays and plays within book collections, descriptive annotations and music requirements
Use for: Theatre, Literature, Humanities
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Poetry for Students
Includes Full Text of print reference books
Dates vary by book
Features discussion and analysis of poems
Use for: Literature, English
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Project Muse
Includes Full Text
Mid 1990s-present
Scholarly and peer-reviewed journals, online books
Use for: In-depth information. Arts, English, Humanities, Social Sciences, Mathematics
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Salem Press
Full Text of assorted reference books
Dates vary by book
Use for: History, Literature, English, Science, Music, Government, Humanities
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Scribner Writer Series TexShare Logo
Full Text
Scholar-written essays, biographical, historical and cultural background on influential writers and works
Use for: English, Literature
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Shakespeare for Students
Includes Full Text of print reference books
Dates vary by book
Features discussion and analysis of Shakespeare's works
Use for: Literature, English, Theatre
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Short Story Index
Citations, Limited Full Text
Text of nearly 5,000 stories, Locations of individual stories within book collections and periodicals
Use for: Literature, Humanities
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Short Stories for Students
Includes Full Text of print reference books
Dates vary by book
Provides critical overviews of short stories
Use for: Literature, English
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Student Research Center is now Explora

Theatre in Video is now listed as part of Theatre Performance and Design

Theatre Performance and Design
Includes Theatre in Video
Video, Full Text, Audio and Images
Ancient Greek to modern full-length plays, documentaries, drawings, playbills, documentation
Comprehensive, international collection covering all aspects of theater from production and design to performance, from the 17th century through to the present day, including, set design, lighting design, sound design, costume design, makeup, and more.
Use for: Theatre, Film, Humanities, Art, Music
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Twayne's Author Series TexShare Logo
Full Text
Online books, critical introductions to the lives and works of renowned writers and literary movements
Use for: English, Literature
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Twentieth Century American Poetry TexShare Logo
Includes Full Text
1901 to 2000
50,000 poems from over 300 poets
Use for: English
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Twentieth Century English Poetry TexShare Logo
Includes Full Text
1900 to 2000
Poetry of 280+ English poets
Use for: English
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WorldCat TexShare Logo
No Full-Text, Citations & Abstracts Only
Updated regularly
Bibliographic information on books, journals, and other items
Use for: Locating materials at other libraries
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