Spanish Language Databases

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Ebook Central (ProQuest) TexShare Logo
Full text
Online books
Includes the Science and Technology Ebook Subscription collection and the e-Libro: Premium collection (Spanish language ebooks)
Use for: Astronomy, Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Earth and Environmental Science, Engineering, Health and Medicine, Math, Physics, Technology, Spanish language books
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Fuente Academica Premier
Includes Full Text
Coverage: 2000-present, Very limited coverage 1922-2000
Spanish language journals
Use for: Government, Business, Economics, Medical Science, Literature, Philosophy
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Informe Académico TexShare Logo
Includes Full Text
Scholarly and peer-reviewed journals, newspapers and newswires, magazines
Proporciona acceso a periódicos y revistas especializadas de lengua española y portuguesa. La base de datos ofrece una amplia gama de contenidos sobre América Latina.
Use for: Articles in Spanish on any topic
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Includes Full Text
Spanish Language collection of medical research journals
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Recursos para HispanohablantesTexShare Logo
Requires creation of a free username and password 
E-books, practice tests, tutorials
Improve written, oral, grammatical, reading and math skills and prepare for the citizenship exam
Este centro ofrece práctica para mejorar las habilidades básicas, práctica para el examen de GED® o ser ciudadano estadounidense.
Use for: Test preparation, English as a Second Language, Spanish
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Referencia Latina
Includes Full Text
Magazines, newspapers, reference books, health reports, images, Latin American news
Un recurso de referencia general para hispanohablantes que cubre temas de especial relevancia para América Latina, España y los Estados Unidos.
Use for: General information in Spanish
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Salud en Espanol
Includes Full Text
Updated regularly
Informes basados en pruebas, Encilopedias y libros de referencia, etc.
Use for: Consumer Health, Patient Education, Complementary and Alternative Medicine
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TexShare LogoDenotes databases provided by Collin College's membership in TexShare
